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Professional Flight Training
for EASA Pilot Licences

     FAA/ICAO to
     EASA Conversion

FAA/ICAO to EASA Conversion

EASA Conversion

          With the National Flight Centre, Conversion of your ICAO Licences to a EASA License is easier than you think!

What Are The Pre-Requisites Before  Commencing My Flight Training?

•  You must complete the 13 EASA ATPL Theoretical Knowledge Exams. You can do these via distant learning with NFC.
• You must pass an EASA Class One Air Medical. Medicals can be completed in the Mater Hospital or The Charter Medical Health Screening Clinic.

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What Training Is Involved?

• For the Commercial Pilots Licence (CPL): NFC recommends a minimum of 5 hours training prior to taking the Skills Test to ensure the necessary local operating procedures are assimilated.
• For the Multi-Engine Instrument Rating (MEIR): You will require a minimum of 15 Hours (10 in our Simulator and 5 in our Multi-Engine) prior to taking the Skills Test.

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